deutsche version
Memorial to the murdered Jews in Europe

Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas - Beitrag zum künstlerischen Wettbewerb


The artist took part in the art-competition for the
Memorial to the murdered Jews in Europe
More about it at the Foundation


Here the submitted material
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▸ Explanatory report

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The application documents had to be delivered in October 1994
The venissage was on 4th of April in 1995 at 4 p.m.
The exhibition was from 4/11 to 5/7 1995

explanations for the memorial


▸ Meaning of the elements

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meaning of the elements of the memorial


▸ The area

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the area


▸ Size

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size of the memorial


▸ Charge

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charge of the memorial


▸ Photos

model of the memorial to the murdered jews in europe


model of the memorial to the murdered jews in europe


model of the memorial to the murdered jews in europe


memorial to the murdered jews in europe

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performance massmurderident

video opens in new tab on YouTube

Massenmordident (massmurderident)

Cuttings of a performance on the last
Free Berlin Exhibition (Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung FBK) 1994 about the shoa (see also wiki). Camera and interviews: PieterThoenes, Amsterdam Music: Sebastian Hilken, Berlin (permission by the musician)
See also: Political Art


last update: 11/28/2015



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