Flyer & Posters
The film "Spur der Steine" (means: track of the stones) was forbidden after premiere in Potsdam/GDR
Anyway it was shown for 1 week in the so called theater of friendship in Waltershausen
The artist as a youngster was taking care of the project group film-light-sound
You can expect some more historical documents from pre-digital times
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sorry, no translations
▸ 2014 Exhibition & Performaces in Speicher/Erfurt
▸ 2014 "so nah...weit fern - Bilder aus der Hafterfahrung"
The exhibition is going until 13th of January 2015 - see here
see Stiftung Ettersberg & TLZ of 3rd of October 2014
▸ 2007 "Adolf Hitler 007"
More about this exhibition you will find here
And a video-Documentation of the Vernissage you find here
▸ 2002 "Köpfe & Abstraktionen" (means: heads & abstract paintings)
▸ 2000 "Raum - Zeit - Licht" (means: room-time-light)
Regensburg on occation of the yearly DPG-congress
▸ 1999 "Gemeinsame Malaktion" (means: common painting-action)
Böcklerpark Berlin
1997 Video-Film-Days Hamburg
Taking part in the short-film-festival in Hamburg in section "Flotter Dreier" (3minute-video)
▸ 1997 Performance at vernissage
Videodocumentation "Soma" of the performance on this vernissage here
▸ 1996 Kun§tKaos in Köpenick (not translatable)
Video-documentation of the performance here
▸ 1995 "Memorial for the murdered jews in Europe"
The artist took part in the artistical competition in Berlin
More about here
1992 15.Tokyo Video Festival
Staudinger under "Impressionen aus Nordostdeutschland"
▸ 1991 "Gesinnungstat Kunst" in Media-library Köpenick
Act of state of mind in media-library Köpenick Berlin
"Kun Dschen" & "Manischer Montag" (means: manic monday)
Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB) (means: open channel Berlin)
Beside other the artist presented his first movie.
"Erste alternative Buchmesse Leipzig" (1.alternative book-fair)
The artist took part with his publishing-company "Zwielicht" (means: twilight)
Video-documentation of book-fair here
Video-documentation of readings here
"Kunsthaus Lütjenwestedt" (means: arthouse in...)
This group-exhibition for all artist was a painful experiance
1987 "Die Anweisung" (means: the instruction) - art in public places
In occacion of 750-year-anniversary in Berlin Gero Gries & Christian Kuhn made a big exhibition in public places, beside others under the Yorkbridges.
1987 "Gallery Goltzstrasse 32"
1983 - 1995
Taking part in FBK
Since 1983 Christian Staudinger was member of the Berlin-artist-group "Blindflug" (means: blind-flight) under supervision of Norbert Wirth. The group took part in the yearly and europe-wide only juryfree exhibition "Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung (FBK)" (means: free Berlin exhibition) with curator Ernst Leonhard. Sad to say that FBK closed in 1996 - just on 25th anniversary of FBK and supposed for financial reasons. Sorry there is nothing about FBK in internet - so as it never existed. There also is nothing in Wikipedia. Performances on the vernissages of FBK under videos. Here: extract of the catalogues.
1992 war der Künstler in den USA - "Malen bei den Hopis"
Ab 1993 Teilnahme in der "Freien Abteilung"
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last update: 11/28/2015