"so nah...weit fern. Bilder aus der Hafterfahrung"
means: so near...far away. Pictures of experiance in prison
Groupexhibition in Memorial and educational institution Andreasstrasse in Erfurt, curator Manfred May. See also Thüringer Landeszeitung (sorry, only in German)
"Das Grauen - Haft & Folter in Bulgarien und der DDR"
means: horror - prison & torture in Bulgaria and GDR
solo-exhibition with 3 performances in Speicher/Erfurt
"The GDR - Christian W. Staudinger as contemporary witness"
in Interview at Dr. Jochen Voit in Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Beginning of YouTube-Channel
"Todesschüsse an Bulgarischer Grenze"
means: fatal shots at the border of Bulgaria
by Helmut Frauendorfer & Nadja Storz in FAKT/mdr (TV), script here
"Adolf Hitler 007 - Unerträgliches ertragen"
means: Adolf Hitler 007 - bearing the unbearable
Berlin: Exhibition
"Haft & Folter in der Diktatur"
means: prison & torture in dictatorship
Lecture & contemporary witness in former prison of secret service/GDR
means: stones of the earth - on YouTube (sorry, only in German)
Egypt: Continuing of sculptures as a natural permanent exhibition in Sinai
"Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas"
means: Memorial for the murdered jews in europe
Berlin: Taking part in the artistic competition & exhibition
"Dr. Albert Hofmann"
Swizzerland: Interview with the chemist and discoverer of LSD, published in OKB (today AlexTV), on YouTube (sorry only in German)
"Die Mauer muss weg"
means: the wall has to fall
Performance: sitting on the wall behind Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, published in OKB (today AlexTV), on YouTube (sorry only in German)
Open channel Berlin (OKB, i.e. free TV, today AlexTV)
Ongoing publishing of art-videos and documentations
Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung (FBK)
means: free Berlin exhibition - largest exhibition without jury in europe but anyway nealy nothing in web - sorry, no wiki (who will do it?)
Until the end of this free exhibition in Berlin the artist took part with paintings, projects, performances, partly in the group "Blindflug" (means: flying blind)
"so nah...weit fern. Bilder aus der Hafterfahrung"
means: so near...far away. Pictures of experiance in prison
Groupexhibition in Memorial and educational institution Andreasstrasse in Erfurt, curator Manfred May. See also Thüringer Landeszeitung (sorry, only in German)
"Das Grauen - Haft & Folter in Bulgarien und der DDR"
means: horror - prison & torture in Bulgaria and GDR
solo-exhibition with 3 performances in Speicher/Erfurt
Publishing of first website
"Todesschüsse an Bulgarischer Grenze"
means: Fatal shots at the border of Bulgaria
Report of Helmut Frauendorfer & Nadja Storz in "Fakt"/mdr about different fates of people trying to leave the GDR, besides others Ch.W.Staudinger. Script
"Prison & torture in Bulgaria & GDR"
Beginning of the project
"Adolf Hitler 007 - Unerträgliches ertragen"
means: Adolf Hitler 007 - bearing the unbearable
Museum für Leben & Kunst, Berlin: Solo-exhibition. Cuttings (EN) on YouTube
Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Group-exhibition: Oilpaintings
"Sport ist Mord?" - "Kunst nur Dunst?"
titles not translatable for us
Heiligendamm: art-videos in Reha 20.3.04
"Christian Morgenstern's Elementarphantasien"
title not translatable for us
Theater Marameo as a guest at Museum für Leben & Kunst, Berlin
Regie: Andreas Lüder, actors: Christoph Keune, Wolfgang Würz
"Haft und Folter in der Diktatur"
means: prison & torture in dictatorship
Lecture & contemporary witness in the former prison of Stasi in Erfurt. Responsibility: Hildigund Neubert, former Landesbeauftragte Thüringen (TLStU)
"Mahnmal für die Folteropfer aus Bulgarien & der DDR"
means: Memorial for the victims of torture in Bulgaria and GDR
Beginning of the project in Burgass
"Imaginäre Folklore"
means: imaginated folklore
Museum für Leben & Kunst: Sebastian Hilken (drums), Mila Morgenstern (flutes)
"Köpfe & Abstraktionen"
means: heads & abstract painings
Edenhaus at Europacenter, Berlin: solo-exhibition
"Es grünt der Span an der Devise"
title not translatable for us
Museum für Leben & Kunst. Lyrics by and with Eberhard Häfner, Berlin
"Der Schnell-Langsame"
means: the fast-slow-man
Tunesia: Beginning of the project "Sports and Art"
"Camera obscura - Experimente mit Licht in lichtlosen Räumen"
means: camera obscura - experiments with light in lightless rooms
Public permanent exhibition of a sculpture that can be walked in, in the Wuhlheide Berlin. In the meanwhile stopped by official regulation.
"AktArt 2000"
Berlin: finishing of 11 years of nude-painting, still not published. On YouTube
"Was geschah damals - 1971 - in den bulgarischen Kerkern und in der Stasi-Haft? Erinnerungen 30 Jahre danach"
means: What happened in those days - 1971 - in the bulgarian dugeons and in prison of Stasi?"
First publishing here
means: stones of the earth
Egypt: Continuation of the sculptures as natural permanent-exhibition in Sina. YouTube (sorry, only in German)
means: abstract paintings
Museum für Leben & Kunst, Berlin: solo-exhibition
"Freie Kunstschule Waltershausen"
means: Free school of art in Waltershausen
Developing a conception in order of building inspection office of Weimar. Not realized
"Liederliche Lieder mit Feuerzangenbowle"
means: immoral songs with fire tongs punsh
Museum für Leben & Kunst. Singer: Natascha Petz, Piano: Karin Cooper
"Raum Zeit Licht: Innere Bilder - Äußere Bilder"
means: room time light: inner pictures - outer pictures
Museum für Leben & Kunst. Sound-slide-show and exhibition
"Hommage an die Christo's"
means: hommage to the Christo's
Performance during the wrapping of the Reichstag, published in OKB (Open Channel Berlin, today AlexTV), cuttings on YouTube
"Hommage an Kandinsky" & "Kritik der DX97"
means: hommage to Kandinsky and criticism of DX97 (an exhibiton in Kassel)
Performances at the IFA Berlin (international exhibition of radio-show), published in OKB (Open Channel Berlin, today AlexTV)
"Die Zoogeschichte" von Edward Albee
Museum für Leben & Kunst. Regie: Andreas Lüder, actors: Rainer Schubert & Thomas Albrecht
Performance in the townhall of Berlin-Wedding during the vernissage of the autodidacts, published in OKB (Open Channel Berlin, today AlexTV), on YouTube
"KunstKaos in Köpenick"
der "Gallery Staat§feind" Berlin-Köpenick
means: art-chaos in Köpenick of the gallery "enemy of state"
One week action of art with performances & permanent exhibition as process. On YouTube
"Die Mutter"
the mother - International shortfilmfestival Hamburg
"Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas"
Memorial for the murdered jews in Europe
Taking part in the competition of art and in the exhibition at the former state-council-building of GDR. Contribution was published in "Berliner Abendschau" (TV - today rbb)
means: mass-murder-ident
Performance on last FBK Berlin, on YouTube
"Sabah al full"
Surrealistic dokumentation, published in OKB (today AlexTV)
"Freie Kunstschule Berlin"
means: Free school of art Berlin
Group-exhibition: sculptures
"Zwielicht in Blaumilch"
means: twilight in blue-milk
on the "X94" of the Academy of art Berlin. 13 Performances about different realities in blue-milk-channel of "Stiletto" (sorry, no english version in wiki)
"Rainer Werner lebt"
means: Rainer Werner still alive
No-budget-shortfilmfestival Hamburg: To the 10th anniversary of death of Rainer Werner Fassbinder
"Geschlossene Gesellschaft" by J.P.Sartre
means: Closed society by Sartre
Regie: Andreas Lüder, Production: Ch.W.Staudinger, published in OKB (today AlexTV)
means: stones of the earth
Perris Valley/USA: Beginning of a sculptoring project on 5 continents.
"Malen bei den Hopis"
means: painting at the hopis
Half a year in the USA. On YouTube
"Gesinnungstat Kunst"
means: act of beliefs of art
Mediathek Berlin-Köpenick: Solo-exhibition, Oilpaintings & Collages
"Ein Mann, drei Gesichter - Die Werke des Christian Staudinger"
means: One man, three faces - the work of Christian Staudinger
Berliner Morgenpost 5.2.91 (sorry, only in German)
"Erste Potsdamer Tanztage"
means: First Potsdam dancing days
Video-job. On YouTube
"Christian Wilhelm Staudinger - Ein Nutzer des Offenen Kanals Berlin"
means: chwst - an user of the Open Channel Berlin
Portrait of the artist by Jolien van der Mee/Niederlande.
Published in OKB (today AlexTV), on YouTube (sorry, only in German)
Art-Video about Berlin, followed by weeks of islamic murder threats. Finished by a public excusion in the turkish TV.
"Dr. Albert Hofmann"
Swizzerland: Interview with the chemist and discoverer of LSD, published in OKB (today AlexTV). On YouTube (sorry, only in German)
"Erste alternative Buchmesse Leipzig"
means: First alternative bookfair in Leipzig
Taking part & reporting, published in OKB (today AlexTV), not EN on YouTube
"Ich bin das, was ich in diesem Moment gerade tue"
means: I am what I do - Tagespost Thüringen 11./12.8.90 (sorry, only in German)
"Surrealismus 1 - 5"
Video-Festival Tokyo
"Manischer Montag"
means: manic monday
Life-Action & "Elektromagnetische Vernichtungsmaschine"
means: elektromagnetic machine of destruction in OKB (today AlexTV)
"Kunsthaus Lütjenwestedt"
Schleswig-Holstein - Oilpaintings: group-exhibition with seven artists from Berlin-group "Blindflug" (means: flying blind)
"Cafe Ranzler"
Berlin - Solo-exhibition: collages
"Über mir bin es"
means: Above me is it
Zwielicht-Verlag: Poems & Paintings
"Fest im Jahr der Schlange"
means: celebration of the year of snake
Planing and preparing for an art celebration in the GDR with artists from East and West - breakdown because of refusal of entry
"Synthese Berlin"
Solo exhibition: paintings & collages
"Die Mauer muss weg"
means: The wall must go
Performance: riding the wall behind Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin, published in OKB (Open Channel Berlin, today AlexTV), on YouTube
"Hommage an Joseph Beuys"
means: hommage to Joseph Beuys
Performances in Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin: "Sweeping out of the museal room" & "Identification with the center of power of Beuys". Heiner Bastian is calling for the police, verdict of not guilty. Published in OKB (Open Channel Berlin, today AlexTV), on YouTube
"Christian W. Staudinger - Allround-Künstler"
Zitty Berlin, Heft 18
"Cafe Ranzler"
Berlin: Reading with Eberhard Häfner/Berlin-Ost (sorry, no english version in wiki) & Horst Steffen Sommer/Berlin-West
"Galerie Goltzstr. 32"
Berlin: together with Thorsten Hochfeld
"Die Anweisung"
means: the instruction
Art-work under the York-bridges during celebration of anniversary 750 years Berlin. Flyer here
"Camera obscura - Experimente mit Licht in lichtlosen Räumen"
means: camera obscura - experiments with light in lightless rooms
published first time: FBK. Concept and fotos here
"Kunst & Kunstmarkt"
Life-discussion in OKB (published in OKB=Open Channel Berlin, today AlexTV). With Prof. Ernst Leonhard (director FBK), Dr. Christa Studt (Psychoanalyst), Anita Staud (student of art), Claudia Katz-Palme (artist), Cornelia Kirschnik-Meisterring (Gallery Pillango). Idea, Regie & Moderation: Ch.W.Staudinger
Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB, heute AlexTV)
means: Open channel Berlin, today AlexTV)
Since 1986
lots of art-videos and documentations, especially of art-events
National and international short-film-festivals
since 1986 lots of participations in competitions in Hamburg, Tokyo etc.
means: Selfimage
Berliner Morgenpost: 27.4.86
Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung (FBK)
means: Free Berlin art-exhibition - the largest exhibition without jury in Europe
Until the end 1995 taking part every year with paintings, projects, performances, sometimes in group "Blindflug" (means: flying blind)
"Zustände eines Grenzverletzers"
Zwielicht-Verlag: poems & paintings
Polytechnische Oberschule Waltershausen/DDR
A Twitter-account under the name of the artist showing videos & photos of his paintings
was not registered by him and does not show his political positions.
last update: 10/6/15