deutsche version
Verdict of GDR
Sorry for the bad quality of the material. The artist is not owener of original papers. A lot of political prisoners of GDR have up to today no original accusation- or judgement-paper, no indictment, no verdict. The artist got the copy by a tragical misfortune. The wife of his advocat gave the copy to the mother of the artist after her husband had commited suicide short after this trial.


zum video mauerbesteigung


Translation in work

about the crime "Republikflucht" see also Wiki (english!)

urteil wegen republikflucht

urteil wegen republikflucht

urteil wegen republikflucht


video mauerbesteigung

berliner mauer

Mauerbesteigung 1988
means: riding the wall 1988


to video "riding the wall 1988"
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