Experianced internet surfers may overlook these hints. Some are beginners and come quickly in a state of irritation when not understanding what happens. For those the informations are given.
Menue & sitemap may help to choose and not to get lost. The sites of main-menue usually give an overview. Under the menue a little line gives information where you are. And who wants to browse through the website like through a book will find red arrows for it on each site.
The menue should be single-row but it depends on your preferences in your browser. Bigger letters will put the menue into two rows and this will not look nice. If something is not to be seen, the Firefox should help - free download without virus.
This website is using JavaScript. Who disabled it or is using a browser without support for JavaScript will not get shown some things or see it not correctly without error-warning. This is in effect for instance for the menu. Here you will find an easy instruction for activating JavaScript in your browser and who wants to get more information about the risks will find information on this website.
Videos or slideshows presented as videos you can view in fullscreen. But the quality then will be not so good as die videos have been made smaller to keep loading-time bearable. To look fullscrean you will find a little button down in the control bar (a little diagonal arrow). If you do not see the video after a certain time of loading, it may be you don't have installed a mediaplayer being able to recognize the videos. VCL-Player and QuickTimePlayer should work (free download without virus).
The site often is working with so called panels. Content is hidden in it which you will find by mouse-click. To close the panel give another click to the panel-tab - if JavaScript is activated in your browser.
If you want to share your impressions with the artist or other guests there is a guestbook for it. It is supervised. Who wants to write something into the guestbook is invited to send us an eMail. Critical contributions will be published as well - as far as they are about this website, do not have the character of promotion and are fine with the German law.
If you want to write us:
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The website periodically will be updated. Who wants to know when it was last time, will find the date of the actual version on last site. Sometimes the browser does not notice a little change. So if you will make sure that you will see the actual version, push in your browser the little button for updating (usually above on right side in the address bar).
last update: 02/21/16