Something new

Staudinger at 12by15 - Fashion meets Art

staudinger at 12by15


New videos on website & YouTube
(uploaded in October 2015 - photo-links will open in new tab on YouTube. Sorry, no english translations )

foto-link zum video über den youtube-kanal vom staudinger foto-link zum video über bemalte dias vom staudinger foto-link zum video über den tod des bruders   foto-link zum video über ersten tandem-sprung der mutter   foto-link zum video über staudinger's skydiving im vogelmund

  foto-link zum video über staudingers skydiving freestyle  foto-link zum video über staudinger's skydiving mit dem luftbrett  foto-link zum video über den ersten wiedervereinigungsboogie zwischen fallschirmspringern aus west und ost in oppin/ddr 1990   foto-link zum video über staudinger's dokumentation der ersten freien wahlen in der ddr   foto-link zum video über staudingers dokumentation der mahnwache an der stasi-zentrale in der normannenstrasse/berlin 1990


Staudinger as contemporary witness for GDR at Dr. Jochen Voit
(New video under videos-contemporary history & on YouTube - sorry, no translation)

Christian Staudinger as contemporary withness about GDR in interview at Jochen Voit


Solo-exhibition in Erfurt
"Horror - prison & torture in Bulgaria and GDR"
(new site with photos & videos about solo-exhibition in Speicher/Erfurt - 03/14/15)

picture from exhibition staudinger in erfurt


Group-exhibition in Erfurt
"so near...far away"
(new site with photos & videos about group-exhibition in Erfurt/Andreasstrasse- 10/19/14)

flyer for exhibition "so near...far away" in andreasstrasse erfurt


Staudinger in Press
(three new articles in Thüringer Landeszeitung, in Capital light and in Publik Forum - 10/26/2014)

staudinger in newspaper thüringen about exhibition "so near...far away"   staudinger in bulgarian newspaer "capital light" in article by diana ivanowa   staudinger in an article by dagmar gester in "public forum"


A Twitter-account under the name of the artist showing videos & photos of his paintings
was not registered by him and does not show his political positions.

last update: 12/05/2015


Documentation at
Stasi-headquater 1990
in Berlin
first free
elections in GDR 1990
first reunification-boogie
in GDR 1990
Staudinger in
skydiving with air-board
Staudinger in
freefalling in a
bird's mouth
tandem-jump of
the mother
about suicide of
the brother
painted slides
about Staudinger's
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